Government on The Real Isle is a literal popularity contest, with the various clans that populate the island putting forth their most charismatic figures to serve in leadership positions. The Snooki supreme leader, the Overboss, is elected by the elites of the Isle using criteria based largely on their social influence and entertainment value. An Overboss might be an absolute ruler for life, if their rule was never challenged, but this never happens. Snookis value exaggerated drama just as much as The Escandalistas, and there’s always some ambitious rival waiting for the opportunity to strike.

The Snookis represent a melting pot of cultures based on the Reality Television of The World that Was. Although different clans inhabit the island which focus on different sub-genres of Reality TV, they all agree that their way of life is superior to those of the factions who focus upon fictional works. They consider the other factions to be escapists, and are quick to critique them with a “Reality check!”. Although many Snookis are dismissed as drunken fools by the other factions, some of their number, such as the Survivors of Probstville, thrive on hardship and Spartan living, and are among the most ascetic athletes in Fiveboro.

IN THE WORLD THAT WAS, as the borders between Fiveboro and the outside world began to close, it seemed to the progenitors of the Snooki faction that apocalypse was impending. They decided to “face the reality” that their days may be numbered by descending into unfettered hedonism.
As an island unto themselves with only one route available to the rest of Fiveboro, the denizens of the isle were able to pursue pleasure on their own terms- Fornication, inebriation, voyeurism, survival challenges- All the common themes of their beloved reality TV genre. Isolated and occupied as they kept themselves, the Snookis might have avoided The Genre Wars entirely, if not for a rumor that the beaches North of the bridge were better than those of the Isle and ripe for conquest (while the Criterione inhabitants were warring with their Northerly Fansci neighbors).
Though the other factions may scoff at the notion, the Real Isle boasts some of the most ferocious warriors in all of Fiveboro- Most notably the berserker Jackassaries of Knoxville.